CCTV often comes in proprietary format and does not allow playback in open format (i.e. using universal playback software such as Windows Media Player, Quicktime etc). Furthermore, it often comes in several file chunks and disparate camera views which render the following of a suspect or individual of interest problematic to say the least.

Being able to compile the required video evidence in chronological (or logical) order is an essential step to ensure it is suitable for playback in court in a structured and organized manner.

Compiling CCTV and video/aural evidence together also consists in correcting fundamental issues with raw footage, such as incorrect aspect ratio, frame rate and play speed. Annotations are added where required to the footage in order to facilitate the story telling on screen. Individuals in crowded, often low quality CCTV images can be tracked in order to being able to follow their whereabouts throughout the footage.

We offer bespoke video evidence compilations tailored to suit your needs, with the processing of footage adhering to a strict standard operating procedure in order to ensure visual and aural quality are as best as they can be. We can also create bespoke graphics and maps to facilitate the geographical representation of events within the scene.

Please contact us to dicuss your needs and for a quote.