A height assessment is the analytical process of measuring the height of an unknown (or questioned) individual recorded on two dimensional CCTV imagery and/or other video evidence.

The process consists in performing a scene reconstruction whereby an object of known height (such as a datum pole or measuring tape) is placed as near as possible to the centre of gravity of where the unknown person stood. The reconstruction imagery is then overlaid on the incident imagery using image processing tools such as Adobe Photoshop or Amped FIVE and the resulting image (a composite image showing the unknown person and known object together) is analysed in view to estimate the height of the suspect.

The results are then validated using approved computer software calculations in virtual three dimensional space known as Single View Metrology (or SVM).

Margins of error are also estimated with consideration given to imperfect measurement conditions such as any headgear worn by the suspect, posture and accuracy of reconstruction.

Please contact us for scope of analysis and/or a quote.