As advancement in technology and affordability continue to be the driving factors in the DVR (Digital Video Recorder) manufacturing industry, we must ensure the quality and authenticity of recorded images are preserved in order to render CCTV admissable in court.

CCTV Evidence is becoming more and more important in the criminal justice system and DVR manufacturers need to ensure their systems are not only affordable but also forensically sound.

A Certified Forensic Video Analyst has the experience and knowledge to determine wether a DVR system is capable of recording CCTV images which will later supply safe and sound forensic video evidence in court.

Are the resolution and frame rate adequate to preserve the authenticity of the evidence? Is the compression method employed in the encoding of the video such that there is enough newly recorded data to make the evidence admissable in court? Is the recorded footage exportable in proprietary format or is there a loss of data when transcoding to an open format such as AVI or MP4? These are all questions that a DVR manufacturer must take into account when releasing their product to the public and we can help validate the DVR system for use in court.

We have developed a number of stress tests and validation procedures that will ensure a DVR is certified for court use. A full report will be produced with improvement actions, corrective and/or preventative actions and if successful, a certificate will be issued by a fully qualified certified forensic video analyst.

Please contact us today for scope of certification and/or a quote.