A Forensic imagery comparison is the analytical process of comparing the imagery of an unknown or questioned object (such as a vehicle, item of clothing or weapon) against that of a recovered or known object.

Following a proven scientific method common in fingerprint identification called ACE-VR (Analysis, comparison, evaluation, verification and reporting), the imagery of an unknown or "questioned" object is first assessed alone in order to establish what can be reliably discerned from it. The process is then repeated for the "known" imagery and the two sets of images are then compared and any similarities and differences found are discussed and illustrated in detail. The analysis focuses on comparing any class characteristics found (characteristics that are common to several objects) such as a car manufacturer logo, or the form of a particular type of trainer and if the imagery quality allows, any observed unique characteristics (such as dirt, damage, areas of wear and tear etc).

The process is aimed at finding at least one signifcant difference that cannot be accounted for by the limitations of the imagery. An irreconcilable difference would allow the elimination of the known object as a candidate for the questioned object. In the lack of any signficant differences, the process focuses on identifying similarities between the two sets of images and their overall significance.

The details of the analysis are then presented in an exhibited report (with signed witness statement) in line with criminal justice requirements. An illustration only pack is also produced so this can be included in the jury bundle in order to facilitate the presentation of the imagery evidence in court.

Please contact us for a free assesment of the imagery, scope for comparison and a quote.