The quality of commonly available security recordings such as CCTV is very often so compromised that their contents can be mis-interpreted if not analysed by a competent video expert.

Lighting conditions, resolution of the imagery, compression method, lens distortion are examples of technical facets of a video that if not understood and explained correctly in court can lead to miscarriages of justice.

A chronology of events is an illustrated report detailing the limitations of the imagery and an accurate account ( frame by frame if necessary) of what the video shows. In the report a description of subjects and their actions is provided along with illustrations in chronological order to portray a sequence of events.

The details of the analysis are then presented in an exhibited report (with signed witness statement) in line with criminal justice requirements. An illustration only pack is also produced so this can be included in the jury bundle in order to facilitate the presentation of the imagery evidence in court.

Please contact us for a free assesment of the imagery, scope for analysis and a quote.