Emi is a Certified Forensic Video Analyst as well as an Expert in Imagery Recovery, Processing and Analysis and he is based in the county of Essex, in England. He has obtained his certification from LEVA International, Inc (Law and Emergency Services Video Association) in November 2021 and he has also appeared in court giving expert imagery evidence on a number of cases ranging from burglary to murder in the United Kingdom between 2019 and present day.

Emi has worked as a forensic video and audio analyst for a number of Police forces and leading forensic providers and has over 20 years of experience in the field of media and imagery. He is now a forensic video expert and an international trainer at Amped Software, the leading forensic imagery & video enhancement software manufacturer in the world and continues to assist Police forces, the CPS and criminal defense law firms in the UK with the interpretation of video and audio evidence in court. He is also a forensic video and imagery consultant working for for the International Criminal Court, whose purpose is to investigate and prosecute war crimes, genocides and crimes against humanity around the globe.

For full details of Emi's experience please download his Curriculum Vitae here.

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is to ensure a structured and proven scientific method is routinely applied to the imagery analysis and interpretation products we supply. An image can tell a true story only if interpreted correctly and any margins of errors or probability need to be accounted for when expressing opinions on what an image actually portrays. This is why all the work we do is auditable, accountable and reproduceable.

Our Mission

We want to assist the court in correctly interpreting the imagery and video evidence at their disposal during a trial. The quality of CCTV, bodyworn, dash-cam or mobile phone footage needs to be assessed diligently before we can draw educated conclusions on what the video portrays. Only an unbiased assessment from a qualified analyst who has a thorough understanding of digital video capture and processing will ensure there are no miscarriages of justice in court.

What We Do

We offer bespoke imagery comparison, chronology and authenticity services which include an anlysis report, an illustrations pack for the jury bundle and availability to present the evidence in court. We also offer court presentation products including the compilation of video and audio evidence together with annotations, maps, graphical evidence and tracking of subjects/objects (where required). Finally, we offer imagery and sound enhancement services using specialist equipment.