One of the main problems with expert based evidence brought into the courtroom is that is usually one sided and unchallenged. Is the evidence accurate and unbiased? Does the expert have the adequate knowledge and experience to support conclusions? Are the findings accountable and reproducable? Is the expert up to date with forensic science regulations? Is he/she a member of a recognised body of experts?

It is appropriate for the court to hear from experts from both sides of the argument, especially when the evidence presented is opinion based.

We have worked hard to ensure we have the adequate experience and qualifications to review evidence produced by a forensic video analyst and to ensure it is of an acceptable standard. A critique will scrutinise methods, findings, margins of error, sources of information and any conscious or unconsious introduction of bias.

The critique will also look at the expert's efforts to explain how the technical limitations of the imagery affected the analysis and ensure findings were validated and alternative propositions duly considered.

Please contact us for a free assesment of the available material, scope for critique and a quote.